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PostPosted: Sat Jun 24, 2023 9:30 pm    Post subject: MQ clustering issue Reply with quote


Joined: 17 Dec 2013
Posts: 7


I created a linux VM in AWS and created 2 QMs- QM1 (full repo) QM2(partial repo)
I my local PC: I have 2 QMs-QM3(full repo), QM4(partial repo)

QM1 is not able to join the cluster, CLUSSDR(QM1 to QM3) in QM1 is in binding state with the below error.
06/25/2023 04:51:15 AM - Process(57302.1) User(mqm) Program(runmqchl)
Host(ip-172-31-42-123.ap-south-1.compute.internal) Installation(Installation1)
ArithInsert1(110) ArithInsert2(110)
CommentInsert1(ip-192-168-137-1 ( (1414))

AMQ9202E: Remote host not available, retry later.

The attempt to allocate a conversation using TCP/IP to host 'ip-192-168-137-1
( (1414)' for channel TO.QM3 was not successful. However the
error may be a transitory one and it may be possible to successfully allocate a
TCP/IP conversation later.

In some cases the remote host cannot be determined and so is shown as '????'.
Try the connection again later. If the failure persists, record the error
values and contact your systems administrator. The return code from TCP/IP is
110 (X'6E'). The reason for the failure may be that this host cannot reach the
destination host. It may also be possible that the listening program at host
'ip-192-168-137-1 ( (1414)' was not running. If this is the
case, perform the relevant operations to start the TCP/IP listening program,
and try again.
I full repo, i can see a temp qmgr SYSTEM.TEMPQMGR.
I tried configuring public ip and private ip in CLUSSDR of QM1, but still channel is in binding state.

Can someone pls help me on this.

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 25, 2023 9:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Jedi Council

Joined: 02 Nov 2006
Posts: 6339

Question: Did you check that your local PC had direct connectivity with the AWS AMI, e.g., did you do a telnet check?

It is always good practice to confirm the network path between queue managers before defining intercommunication channels.
It's puzzling, I don't think I've ever seen anything quite like this before...and it's hard to soar like an eagle when you're surrounded by turkeys.
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 25, 2023 5:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Jedi Knight

Joined: 25 Mar 2003
Posts: 2522
Location: Melbourne, Australia

"The return code from TCP/IP is 110"
This UNIX errno value indicates a network timeout.
The qmgr sent a TCP socket connection packet and there was no response.
Most likely due to a firewall rule or routing issue.
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