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PostPosted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 5:52 pm    Post subject: WMQ TT \ Master (FAQ main) Reply with quote


Joined: 24 Sep 2004
Posts: 960

This is the master thread of all WMQ TT.
Moderator: [hopsala]. Under construction. (the thread, not the moderator)

What is a TT?
A Topic Thread (TT) is a thread consisting of links, designated to address a specific issue in WMQ such as logging, recovery, dead letter queues etc. It is a list of discussion threads that provide a good explanation of a given topic, which we considered beneficial for future generations.

If you haven't already done so, read Discussion \ A new approach. Bear in mind this is not exactly a FAQ, just a list of useful threads we were able to gather over time; it does not absolve you from reading the manuals and using the search button.
Many topics/problems will not appear here - it does not imply that the answer is not somewhere on the site, just that we were either not aware of it, or did not deem it important enough to be in the list.
You'll also find that sometimes, these links contain contradicting opinions, it's up to you to figure out which is right, by cross-sectioning with other threads and the manuals; however, if you read carefully it should be relatively easy to figure things out, and I assure you that it will always give you a very good start.

If you find a thread with a good description of some WMQ mechanism or a well-structured solution to a common problem, post a link to it in the relevant TT thread with a short explanation of what it contains, plus to which WMQ version and operating system it applies. Do not post before you go over all posts that are already in the TT, making sure there is no other post explaining the same thing.
Each TT will have a moderator, approach this moderator if you have any offers or non-trivial questions by posting here: WMQ TT \ Discussion - Offers, contributions, questions... and only here; also use this thread if you have a link to offer and you're not sure if it's any good.

Do not post here, or on any TT unless you're a veteran poster, and an expert WMQ administrator.

Any post consisting of anything but links will be deleted by the moderator. These threads were made for your benefit, do not abuse them!

Last edited by hopsala on Sat Oct 29, 2005 4:04 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 6:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Joined: 24 Sep 2004
Posts: 960

The TT list (not final):

As you can see, there are only a few threads available at the moment, but as time progresses and more people volunteer to moderate TTs, more will be available.
  • WMQ TT\ Logging
  • WMQ TT\ Triggering
  • Dead letter queue and handler
  • Intercommunication Basics - SDR-RCVR Channels and XMITQs
  • Client channels, CHLTAB, SVRCONNs etc

  • WMQ TT \ Monitoring (+Events, QSTATS, products etc)
  • Security - OAM, SSL, channel security, client channels.
  • General Design and Performance
    (server/client, how many qms, naming standards, backout queues, backup and recovery)
  • Clustering, failover and workload balancing.

  • Common problems (2058, 2059) and Misc tasks (clear open queue, duplicate message, use sample progs)
  • MQI + JMS common questions (CorrlId, MsgId, message grouping, convertions)
  • WMQ TT\ Versions and Refresh Packs (CSD/FixPac) - New features, known problems etc...
  • Service Pacs

  • Reports
  • Pub/Sub

  • The begginer MQAdmin - what to read, where to look, what not to do.

  • folklore - posts we'd like to keep in our genetic memory.
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